Tangihanga, performed by Kristyl Neho, is a 60-minute drama comedy centered around Jess, a loving daughter, whose father Karanipa passes away, leading his whanau and friends to travel near and far to gather at the Marae to mourn his loss. Neho masterfully embodies 30 characters.
As the tangi progresses, tensions rise, family dynamics unravel, and secrets are exposed, all while Jess and the whanau grapple with their grief and differences.
Join us on an emotional rollercoaster as we explore the intricacies of whanau relationships, identity, cultural traditions, and the importance of family and community in times of grief and loss.
Tangihanga is presented by Wahanui Productions with supporting partner Toitoi Hawke's Bay Arts and Events Centre.
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Toitoi - Tama Tūranga Huata Room
Performance Times
Tue 8 Oct, 6:30pm - 7:35pm
Wed 9 Oct, 11:00am - 12:20pm
Wed 9 Oct, 6:30pm - 7:35pm
Thu 10 Oct, 6:30pm - 7:35pm
Fri 11 Oct, 6:30pm - 7:35pm
Sat 12 Oct, 6:30pm - 7:35pm
Matinee Student Tickets$10
Students / Kaumatua$10
Children - Under 12 (gold coin donation)FREE
Please note: Ticket prices may not include any applicable booking fees
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